Case Study - Newark

Title: Saving Ambulatory Surgical Center from CMS Revocation
Client: An Ambulatory Surgical Center in Newark, OH
Problem: This facility was found to have numerous deficiencies during their annual Ohio Department of Health (ODH) survey and ODH moved for Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) revocation unless an approved plan of correction was instituted. A CMS revocation would have terminated this facility’s source of funding, virtually ensuring the loss of their business.
Assessment: HELP Paradigm was retained to evaluate their situation and to create an effective Emergency Preparedness Program for this American Seniors Community (ASC).
Outcome: Our systematic approach put the facility on the right track by implementing an Emergency Preparedness Program that exceeded ODH requirements, while also assisting the facility in drafting their plan of correction.
While apprehensive at first, this client understood the importance of emergency preparedness requirements in their business operations. We promised to deliver a draft of the plan of correction by a certain date, and made it a point to deliver ahead of schedule to put their fears to rest. It was rewarding being able to resolve such a situation in the time frame that we were able to and we look forward to our continued work this client on building a sustainable emergency preparedness program.