HELP Paradigm offers skilled nursing facilities and other healthcare providers critical emergency management consulting services focused on individual preparedness needs. HELP (Homeland Exercises & Logistics Planning) was founded in 2017 as Steven Foss Consulting. Born out of a need in our community for cost-effective emergency response training and compliance services, the company is rapidly revolutionizing the field of emergency preparedness for SNFs.
We provide on-demand emergency management solutions via disaster risk and vulnerability assessments, then determine the options and countermeasures available for mitigating the variety of threats. We also work with local contacts on project prioritization, implementation, and the review, monitoring, evaluating, and updating of plans as needed or dictated by state and federal entities.
Founder and CEO Steven Foss has used his experience and relationship with county and state government officials to build HELP Paradigm's reputed team of disaster management experts and proprietary compliance procedures. HELP Paradigm's reputed team of experts in disaster management honed their skills in federal agencies, top state and local homeland security, as well as in emergency leadership positions.

Steven Foss
President & Director of Preparedness
Steven Foss is an experienced management professional who has worked with international, national, regional, state, local, and private-sector organizations in the areas of emergency management, homeland security, business continuity, and public health preparedness. His expertise includes project management, planning, facilitation, and evaluation related to various topics including catastrophic incidents, mission ready packages (MRPs), mass care, and evacuation. Steven served as the first Emergency Planner for the Stark County Emergency Management Agency from 2016 until 2019 where he worked with local officials and other planners and contractors to maintain, update and develop local hazard plans, as well as ensure compliance with state and federal planning regulations and guidelines.

WMD Responder Training 2012

Steven Foss training with MSG Detachment in Budapest, Hungary 2012

Steven Foss with Ambassador Eleni Tsakopoulos Kounalakis at the U.S. Embassy Budapest in 2012.